Monday, November 3, 2008


Oh to be desired
To be on the mind, in the hand
Written on the wall
Sung in the shower
“Hey baby” ain’t the same as I love you
But it will do
“You look good” ain’t the same as I want you
But it will do
How far do you have to go to get that feeling
Wishing you could catch it and put it in a bottle
Because when it’s all over, all you have is memory
And a poem

Whatever happened to
black & white
hot & cold
fast & slow
more & more
All the contrasts that make the world spin on its axis,
that keep the fires burning?
There is only this grey now
Not particularly interesting
Comfortable. Deadly.
Unconcerned with its sameness.

Grey is safe and loveable
but what you really want is the
black & white
To shine and burn and love and hate

Patience is your word from God
But even that can’t stop
the desire
to desire
and to be desired

At the end of the day
When the party is over
And the new year takes hold
What will you do
How far will you go
To put color back into your world?

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