Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's Okay

I am standing on the edge
I’ve been waiting for someone to push me over,
when I decide to go ahead and jump

I drop like a stone
but it’s okay
I’m hard as a rock and I can withstand the fall

I land in the valley
but it’s okay
I like the feel of the grass as I roll downhill

Others rush past me
but it’s okay
I like the feel of the wind from their motion

I come to a complete stop
but it’s okay
I needed to think alone, in the quiet

I glance at my reflection in the water and
I’m not sure I like what I see
but it’s okay
I’m not that bad

I look ahead at the road, winding away from me,
and I know that I may have to travel alone
but it’s okay
It looks peaceful and I’ve always been a little bit of a lone wolf

I look up at the sky and I feel small
and just a little unimportant
but it’s okay
I know that I’m not

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