Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Tsunami Mikai

My greatest love
Like a hurricane you sweep all others away
Swirling through and around
How can I resist you
You push and pull
And push
And pull
It’s enough sometimes
It’s too much every now and then
I thought I was a tree planted by the water
But you are the river that cuts through the rock
Leaving a grand canyon
Full of love
Full of possibilities
Full of the future
Who can stand against you
When I stand behind you
Arms around your restless body
Face in your chocolate neck
You are invincible

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'll Tell You...

I’ll tell you what to do
When to move
When to speak
When to breathe
When to come… back

I’ll tell you when to tell me I’m beautiful and sexy
I’ll tell you when you should say that I’m all you need

I’ll be the one who decides how far we go
Or if we go at all

Fast changes are coming
The world is mine now
Hold on and get swept away
Or falter, and get swept aside

It's Okay

I am standing on the edge
I’ve been waiting for someone to push me over,
when I decide to go ahead and jump

I drop like a stone
but it’s okay
I’m hard as a rock and I can withstand the fall

I land in the valley
but it’s okay
I like the feel of the grass as I roll downhill

Others rush past me
but it’s okay
I like the feel of the wind from their motion

I come to a complete stop
but it’s okay
I needed to think alone, in the quiet

I glance at my reflection in the water and
I’m not sure I like what I see
but it’s okay
I’m not that bad

I look ahead at the road, winding away from me,
and I know that I may have to travel alone
but it’s okay
It looks peaceful and I’ve always been a little bit of a lone wolf

I look up at the sky and I feel small
and just a little unimportant
but it’s okay
I know that I’m not

Monday, November 3, 2008


Oh to be desired
To be on the mind, in the hand
Written on the wall
Sung in the shower
“Hey baby” ain’t the same as I love you
But it will do
“You look good” ain’t the same as I want you
But it will do
How far do you have to go to get that feeling
Wishing you could catch it and put it in a bottle
Because when it’s all over, all you have is memory
And a poem

Whatever happened to
black & white
hot & cold
fast & slow
more & more
All the contrasts that make the world spin on its axis,
that keep the fires burning?
There is only this grey now
Not particularly interesting
Comfortable. Deadly.
Unconcerned with its sameness.

Grey is safe and loveable
but what you really want is the
black & white
To shine and burn and love and hate

Patience is your word from God
But even that can’t stop
the desire
to desire
and to be desired

At the end of the day
When the party is over
And the new year takes hold
What will you do
How far will you go
To put color back into your world?

Busy Signal

Tired of waiting for the phone to ring
All this calling back and forth
Want to trouble the waters
But don’t want to rock the boat
Nobody said it would be easy
But this is rocket science
Trying to find my way back to myself
Are you a stone in the water that guides
Me to shore
Or have I turned you into
An anchor
Both of us going down together
Drowning in past chances
How did we get here?
Waiting again to be rescued
When I should just go on and save myself

I’ve learned the hard way
That I see through a glass darkly
It’s all smoke and mirrors
Heroes are villains
And friends can never become lovers
The hardest thing to do is
Hurt someone you love
Why is it always the only way to win?

Friday, July 11, 2008

What would you put inside
your secret heart of hearts
if you thought even God couldn't see inside

As if He could be reduced to a mere superman
unable to see see through a lead-lined case
As if.

Would you still lie to yourself
Would you tell the awful truth
That you're scared.

Or would you hope there's a small pocket somewhere
in that secret heart of hearts
A small piece of paper in that small pocket
with the words hold on, I love you, everything will be alright...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hmmm... So much to say. Where to begin? Perhaps with a poem:

What does this mean
This ridiculous aching
For another unworthy
Why fall on the sword again
Time after time
Like some ancient confused samurai
Unsure of the battle or its outcome,
Yet desiring a noble death nonetheless

I find myself reduced
Subtracted. Diminished.
After so much fortifying…

But there is hope
A new day brings enlightenment
Existential contemplation leads to brick laying
And once again, the castle is erected
No one can stand against this new me...